We represent clients before Belgian, Benelux and European Union courts, as well as before the Unified Patent Court and administrative bodies such as the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP).
We also assist clients in arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution procedures, including in domain name matters. We never shy away from complex or difficult cases.
Our only focus in disputes is obtaining the best possible result for our clients, whether that means litigating all the way or positioning the case for a favourable settlement.
Leveraging intellectual property rights requires solid contracts. Our approach is to use clear and straightforward language to avoid ambiguity. We explain the business impact of a provision or contract to our clients. We provide mechanisms to protect our clients when the collaboration goes wrong.
We assist in negotiating and drafting agreements with a technology or intellectual property focus. Inteo lawyers are specialised in assisting businesses and institutions navigate the complexity of EU and domestic funded research programs such as Horizon Europe.
We also help other law firms and organisations with the IP aspects of business transactions, performing due diligence on contracts, reviewing intellectual property portfolios and drafting appropriate representations and warranties.
We are independent advisors with a drive to support our clients' business. We understand that legal departments are occasionally under time and resource pressure due to increased workload or project-specific needs. Where possible, we provide flexible and cost-effective solutions to face such temporary workload spikes.
Patent and technology disputes are a key focus of the firm. Our lawyers have been involved in hard-fought and complex litigation involving products and services as diverse as pharmaceuticals, diagnostic methods, coffee capsules, software, dna sequencing technology, laser sorting machines, window frame profiles and plant breeding techniques. We have gained specific experience in patent disputes between originator and generic pharmaceutical manufacturers. We work well with technical counsel to grasp the details that impact a case. We easily integrate in international project teams for disputes requiring cross-border coordination.
On the transactional and advisory side, we review and draft contracts to leverage and protect research and technology assets, such as patent and knowhow license agreements, material transfer agreements, non-disclosure agreements and agreements for joint or contract research. Our lawyers are experienced in negotiating and drafting consortium agreements for research programs that are funded by European and local government programs such as Horizon Europe, ERA, Eureka and VLAIO.
We understand the importance of brands and designs as drivers of growth for our clients. We advise and litigate on the validity and infringement of trade marks, registered and unregistered design rights, geographical indications, designations of origin and trade names. We also deal with unfair competition matters and advertising law.
We act before the EUIPO, the Benelux Intellectual Property Office and EU and national courts, as well as before ADR panels constituted by WIPO, CAC, the ICC and CEPANI for domain name matters. Our lawyers have experience in parallel import matters in several sectors, including the pharmaceutical and automotive industries.
We help set up brand licensing and anti-counterfeiting programs. We review trade mark and design portfolios in the framework of due diligence projects.
We also provide effective remedies for online trade mark infringements by means of notice-and-takedown requests, letters to intermediaries, UDRP and UDRP-type alternative dispute resolution procedures to recover or suspend domain names.
We assist clients across a range of creative and entertainment industries such as architecture, music, media, sports and fashion.
We help with contract negotiations to leverage copyrights and image rights, including exclusivity agreements, broadcasting and publishing agreements, sponsorship deals and licensing .
Inteo also assists clients in copyright and media court disputes involving inter alia freedom of speech, right to reply, collective rights management, defamation and copyright infringement. We represent clients in matters before media regulating bodies such as the Vlaamse Regulator Media (VRM) and the Jury voor Ethische Praktijken inzake Reclame (JEP).